pp108 : Task Properties Interface

Task Properties Interface

This topic describes the parameters used while creating a User Interface (UI).

The properties mentioned below are applicable for the creation of a User Interface (UI) through a Web page URL.

Field Name



Application URL


Specify the Web page URL of the external UI.

Input Schema


Input schema serves as the launching information for the UI. An XML schema is provided as an input variable. Click to browse and select the XML schema. The schema definitions that are created appear in the Schema Fragment dialog box. Select a schema fragment and close the box.

Output Schema


Output schema is the expected outcome of the UI. This outcome can serve as an input variable to launch another application. Click to browse and select the XML schema.

Query String Parameters


Specify the name value pairs that are appended to a Web page URL.

Note: The XML Schema that has more than one schema fragment is not shown in the Schema Fragment dialog box.

Properties Pane

The properties mentioned below are applicable for both the Web page URL and User Interface (XForms). You can provide these properties by clicking (UI Task Properties) in the Untitled External User Interface - External User Interface or Untitled User Interface - User Interface window.

Field Name


Show on Desktop

By selecting this option, the icon of the application is displayed on the CUSP. By default, this is not selected.

Launch on Startup

Select this option to launch the UI on the CUSP automatically.

Show Title

Select this option to display the title of the UI on its title bar. By default, this is selected.

Is Internal

Select this option, if the UI will not be used by the end users and is meant for internal consumption. For example, it could be a part of other UIs and need not be exposed. This option is hidden when the Show on Desktop option is selected.


Specify the caption that must appear along with the UI.

The title that appears on the titlebar of the application is the combination of Show Title and Caption fields.


Provide the information about this page that must appear below the title.

Public Icon URL

Select this option to use a public icon and provide the URL of the icon in the Icon URL field. The value of the Icon URL must point to the absolute HTTP URL of the Icon.

Icon URL

Click to browse and select the uploaded icon. This icon represents the UI on the CUSP. Use this option to select an uploaded icon from the local repository.

Note: Ensure to meet the design requirements for the Icon selected.


Specify the mode of the UI window appearance. The options are as follows:

  • Normal - You can resize the window as per your convenience.
  • Fixed - The window dimensions are fixed and the window cannot be resized. However, the title appears on the titlebar of the window.
  • Fixed without Title - The window dimensions are fixed and the window cannot be resized. However, the window appears without any title.


Specify the width of the window in pixels(px), em, and percentage(%).


Specify the height of the window in pixels(px), em, and percentage(%).


Specify the top margin of the window in pixels(px), em, and percentage(%).


Specify the left margin of the window in pixels(px), em, and percentage(%).

XML Data

The XML Data field is used to provide the user defined XML data for the external UI.

Tag Names

This field is used to tag the UI document with tag labels.

  • Multiple tags can be defined with a comma separator.
  • All the tags added to the UI will be displayed as bread crumbs below the text field.
  • When a new tag is added, a prompt for selecting the folder to save the tag will be displayed
  • When the UI is published, the tags will be available in the Tags Cloud. Refer to the Tags Cloud section in Using CUSP for more information.